As I was trying to figure out a title for this post, I kept thinking. Is there really anything good to talk about. The more I thought the more I wondered. Then I thought about the bible that my wife keeps on the coffee table in our Living room. Then there was the chatter of my grandchildren in the room talking while drawing a picture. Right then I thought Yes, there is absolutely things to talk about that are good, and the words In God We Trust: We are alive, we have Food, Family and Friends. What more could we ask for. We owe all of this to you know who, Yes GOD. As we take a look around the United States and the rest of the world, I am saddened about what I see happening. Shootings everywhere, Drug overdoses exploding around our country, and countless other problems we are having. I got to thinking and it’s what a lot of us know already. These problems should have solved before they started. I really don’t want to get off on my bandwagon about our current politicians, but you know they deserve everything that they are getting from the citizens of this country. They started the no bail laws giving the criminals the ability to commit crimes and not be punished for it. They enacted the early release programs that give convicted criminals the ability to get out of jail and commit another crime. All we can do is to trust in God. They have hampered the police in doing their job of protecting us when we need them most. Then they locked us in for months due to the virus which caused depression and anger with a lot of the citizens. What are we supposed to do! People are scared to go out in public now with people shooting at random.
God Has our Backs-Don’t be afraid. Our families and friends are going to get through this. Just Remember, In God We Trust. Don’t let the ignorant politicians. and the crazy misguided citizens keep you from living your life to its best potential. We here at B Safe Technology believe in your ability to keep yourself and your family and friends safe.
We are going to have to rely on ourselves not the police (Not through any fault of their own) to protect ourselves and our family. Now that the powers to be, have decided to try and take our guns away from us we have to be more diligent now than ever. Please make every effort to stay safe for you, your family, and friends. Everyone is counting on you.

We would love too here about your concerns with what is happening today in our world. We would like to also know how you would defend yourself today if you had to. Please reply in the comment section below.
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