B Safe Technology

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Our Blog

Tips for being safe while Vacationing

  Tips on Being Safe While Vacationing When vacationing, you want to ensure your safety is a top priority. From securing your valuables to staying ...
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Stun Gun or Taser vers Bear

Would a Stun Gun or Taser Work on a Bear? Hey there, brave adventurer! So, would a stun gun or Taser do the trick against ...
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Stun Gun Saves Life

Stun Gun Saves Girl Testimony Stun Guns Can Save Your Life Read the real-life testimony below! I am a full time Culinary Student at the ...
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Merry Christmas

The B Safe Technology family would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay safe everyone.
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How does a stun gun work

Stun Guns and stun batons work by targeting the nervous system. They send out high voltage shocking energy that is large enough to put the ...
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IN God We Trust:

As I was trying to figure out a title for this post, I kept thinking. Is there really anything good to talk about. The more ...
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Crime is Rising:

I’m sure you already know this, all you have to do is turn on the television. Crime in America is rising at an alarming pace. ...
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Being a Dad is Important:

Being a Dad is important to the whole family. As a dad you are tasked with a lot of important decisions when it comes to ...
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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone Have a bsafe day.
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50 Dollars is 50 Dollars

Morris and his wife Esther went to the state fair every year,and every year Morris would say, “Esther, I’d like to ride in that helicopter”. ...
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Pepper Spray and College:

College Roommates saved by Pepper Spray! Out for a Run! An evening to remember! Do you want to go for a run, we have time ...
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Violet Crime is exploding in the US.

As it turns out “Defunding the Police” was a bad idea. The liberals thought at the time that perhaps trying to get rid of ALL ...
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Time is Running Out.

To all our Mississippi and Louisiana friends. I hope your plans concerning hurricane ida are complete or almost complete. My friends this very dangerous hurricane ...
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What is the best thing for women to use for self defense!

Attention all Women-We want to keep you safe from all the evil that’s lurking around out there. Your family wants you home with them. Assaults ...
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How does pepper spray fill when you get sprayed?

I bet I have been asked 1000 times. (Will it hurt if I get sprayed). Of course they are talking about getting sprayed with Pepper ...
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Thank you for visiting our blog. We would like to welcome you to our B Safe Technology family. We (Myself and my Wife Brenda) started ...
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