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Violet Crime is exploding in the US.

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As it turns out “Defunding the Police” was a bad idea. The liberals thought at the time that perhaps trying to get rid of ALL the police officers including the ones that are honorable men and women that truly care about their communities was a good idea. Now they are learning that this might not be such a good idea.

The Facts are in:

Major city’s and even smaller communities are reporting high increases in violent crimes.

CNN is even reporting that homicides increased by 33% last year.

NOW YOU MAY BE THINKING ” Well this is 2021 Not 2020 or 2019 shouldn’t the crime rate be getting back to normal?

But the fact is it’s not:

Homicides and aggravated assaults are just two major crimes that have increased.

Some violent crimes have continued to get worse in 2021!

The idea that defunding the police is a good idea and that all Police Officers are bad has played a factor in the increase in crime.

Police Officers are leaving the force more than ever before.

Being a Police Officer is in these days are more risky than it used to be causing less new recruits signing up to be Police Officers

Can you see the problem here?

Less Officers you have lower police presence. Criminals are more likely to commit crimes because they are less likely to get caught.

Reasonable people see this problem. And if you are reading this you have already started the process of keeping yourself and your family safe.


So the thing for you to do now is prepare for what you haven’t considered yet. and we can help!

When it comes to self defense “You cant wait” for something to happen then start planning:

PLEASE START PLANNING NOW before you are a victim of violet crime!

Let us help you Plan for the Unexpected

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Don’t let this happen to you:

Visit us at www.bsafetoday.com

B Safe Technology

31590 Bluff Lake Road

Louisville, Ms. 39339


Contributing to this article:

USCCA-Tim Smith


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